[ ppcall150 ]
Public Domain By JoeV jov@mountain.net Feb-18-2007
This applet returns the pen x and y position if a pendown event occurred and
the position is within the x,y,w,h parameters sent it. If the pen position is
out of bounds, or if a pendown event hasn't occurred, a null string is returned.
Call the applet from izibasic using the format: R$=CALLPP(150,S$) where:
S$ = "x,y,w,h" where x=xposition, y=yposition, w=xwidth, h=yheight.
R$ = null string if pendown event is out of the x,y,w,h bounds.
R$ = null string if a pendown event has not occurred.
R$ = "x,y" if a pendown event occurred within the x,y,w,h bounds.
Example: R$=callpp$(150,"0,0,160,160) will return any pendown event.
Code Follows:
{$code appl,JVxx,code,150} //required by iziBasic
program ppcall150;
{$i PalmAPI.pas}
iBasFunType=function(S:string):string; //required by iziBasic typeparm=array[1..4] of string;
iBasCallPP:iBasFunType; //required by iziBasic
//Other required api calls.
function StrLen(const str:string):uint16;inline(SYSTRAP,$A0C7);
function CallPP(S:string):string;
s1,s2:string; x,y,w,h:int16; timeo:int32; ev:EventType; len,index,parmindex:uint16; pstr:typeparm;
{Search thru s to get string parameters passed to applet. The parms are
delimited with commas and then stored in string array pstr[1..4]. A maximum of
4 parms are allowed. Extras are ignored.}
s1:=''; pstr1:=;pstr2:=;pstr3:=;pstr4:=; parmindex:=1;index:=1; len:=strlen(s); while index<=len do begin if (sindex=',') then begin pstrparmindex:=s1; //save parm if comma found parmindex:=parmindex+1; s1:='' end else begin s1:=s1+sindex; //else, keep building new parm string if index=len then begin pstrparmindex:=s1; //also, save parm if last char parmindex:=parmindex+1 end; end; if parmindex>4 then index:=len; //quit if 4 parms are received index:=index+1 end;
x:=stratoi(pstr1); y:=stratoi(pstr2); w:=stratoi(pstr3); h:=stratoi(pstr4); EvtGetEvent(ev,0); callpp:=''; if ev.etype=penDownEvent then begin //check if pen position within x,x+w & y,y+h if (ev.screenX<x) or (ev.screenX>(x+w))then ev.screenX:=-1; if (ev.screenY<y) or (ev.screenY>(y+h))then ev.screenY:=-1; if (ev.screenX<>-1) and (ev.screenY<>-1) then begin stritoa(s1,ev.screenX); //return pen position if within bounds stritoa(s2,ev.screenY); callpp:=s1+','+s2 end; end;
//Main. Required by iziBasic